Young OSCAM Year Activity
Our second Young OSCAM year activity workshop is coming close! This year OSCAM developed an educational and participatory program specifically for children aged 10-12, where we will explore and reflect upon the history of slavery and its ongoing impact. The second edition of this workshop program will be on the 29th of september! You will start the day with free heri heri where you talk about the origin of the meal and the importance it still has today. After this the art workshop will start!
This workshop will be given by illustrator and animator Rossel Chaslie! Together you will enter the world of drawing comics and expressing yourself through combining stories and illustrations.
This week is also anti-bullying week. Through the workshop we want to stand still and raise awareness among students.
Sign up your kid below!
Photo by Kalkidan Hoex
Date: September 29th
Time: 15:00 – 17:00
Location: @OSCAM
Young OSCAM Year Activity (YOYA) | stronger together – now and forever