Nikè Marchand
Adenikè Tamara Tonye Yetunde (Nikè) Marchand is an artist based in Tilburg, The Netherlands. Her artworks are focused on expressionism and the duality of emotions, and are influenced by both her Nigerian father and her Dutch mother.
Since early childhood, Nikè has been drawing with passion. Back then, she preferred to use pens, as she never felt the need to erase anything she drew. According to her, she never made mistakes while putting her thoughts and expressions on paper. Her drawings were just right at that moment in time and space. Luckily, she kept the confidence she had as a child.
With age, her drawings developed thematically and she started using different materials. After her teenage years she became more fascinated by color and shape, which she translated into interpretations of reality in her art.
Nikè uses her emotions and life experiences as inspiration for the structure within and clarification of her work. The tools that she uses, give her the option to make emotional challenges tangible and touchable. The aim of her work is to make viewers aware that nothing is “common” and nothing is “odd”. She feels that expressing yourself in any shape or form without feeling any inhibition, is a fundamental necessity.