On the 15th of January 2019, AMFI’s 9 winter graduates presented and exhibited their work in the ‘Open Space contemporary Art Museum’ (OSCAM). It was a fashion night that allowed you to dive into the mind of the graduation students and experience their visions on the future of the fashion world. Six stands, beautifully created by the graduates themselves, gave a complete experience of their collection, which they showed in a fashion show, during the opening of the expo. Music, lights and an immense public, made sure that it was something to remember.
On the 23rd of January 2019, we opened the second exhibition in collaboration with AMFI students, ‘Spheroidite’. This time 10 teams of 10 people created a complete brand from scratch in just three weeks. These brands included a marketing and brand campaign, multiple designs and a fashion show to top it all off. In the words of the fashion students themselves, ‘SPHEROIDITE stands for: when carbon steel is heated very highly, it reconstructs itself. Creating spherically-shaped particles within its primary structure, it becomes soft and formable. In 2030 we envision the world to be a melting pot of cultures, diversity and traditions without any physical or mental disconnections. No borders – one tribe.’