Cultureel Zuidoost is a new collective of art and cultural institutions in Amsterdam Southeast – consisting of Bijlmer Parktheater, CBK Zuidoost, Foundation, Imagine IC, OBA, New Metropolis Zuidoost and OSCAM. The initiative was born out of a need for collaboration and to strengthen and connect all the art and culture that Southeast has to offer.
To put more emphasis on ‘togetherness’, the Keti Koti program of Cultureel Zuidoost will be even bigger than last year. The participating organizations have realized how important it is to celebrate this historical day together. Thus, we created a festive, historical and transcultural program for all. Check the programming here or on the Facebook page!
17.00 – 19.00, opening exhibition Hollandse Meesters Her-Zien in collaboration with Urban Myth and the Amsterdam Museum. Click here for more info.
Imagine IC:
10.00 – 19.00, exhibition Perez Jong Loy, the man behind the 1873 button and exhibition Keti Koti Diorama collection by Rita Maasdamme.
New Metropolis Zuidoost:
12.00 – 21.00, photo exhibition Keti Koti / Bigi Spikri by Johan Janssen
18.00 – 20.00, varied talkshow ‘Bezinnen, herdenken en vieren!’
16.00 – 17.00, open stage for spoken word with Melody Moon.
Bijlmerpark Theater:
20.00 – 22.00, performance ‘Mijn Krachtbron – Kasaba anga Lutu’ by Onias Landveld and Kula Skoro.